I'm a bit torn on the whole issue. I understand the need for improving the area, but I wonder if incorporation is really necessary. I don't care too much about the tax implications or more of "big brother", I just think that what ails the community can be fixed without the need for incorporation. I see it as an easy way out, and I hate taking the easy way out (may be the masochist in me?). I also wish we could include the whole Tri-Hamlet/Moriches area and not leave them out. I'm pretty sure Shirley will also get incorporated but then it'll no longer be "Mastics Shirley & Moriches". It'll all be split up and the little dysfunctional family will be no more.
On January 20th the multi-universe will forgive our past transgressions and let us elect an inspiring individual to lead us for the next 4 years. What O has taught us (yes, I'm one of those supporters who affectionately calls Barack Obama "O") is that with the right knowledge, the right drive, and the right inspiration we could take matters into our own hands and change our community. One can argue that getting incorporated IS community organizing, and I could understand that argument; but in the end, incorporating would take things out of peoples hands and leave it all to a select few. Kind of how things are now.
We could educate everyone in the community about local town codes and who to reach when they see violations (and how to tactfully harass the town until they get things done).
We can get local papers to give us more ink when there are events happening that pertain to improving the area.
We can let our elected officials know that it's time to shape up, or ship out.
We can organize an "army of volunteers" to go out (when the weather is better) and hand out information. Gather information about the improvements that people want to see. Collect donations. Collect information about the people we talk to so we could create a database of people we can get in touch with to get even more volunteers and donations. It's a big community, and with lots of people, but I don't think that can stop us from becoming closer.
We can do that all without having to incorporate. Without having to hope that the Town of Brookhaven approves the application. We can do it without them.
Yes we can(*).
*OK that last part was a bit of hyperbole but I couldn't resist. Nor could I with this video that I love.
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